
5 tips for when your child with disability moves out of home

The decision to move out of the family home is a major milestone for everyone involved. For a person with disability, the decision to move out of the family home sparks questions around independence, support, and the future. As parents, it's natural to feel a range of emotions – from pride and excitement to worry and uncertainty.


Moving out of home and the journey to independence looks different for everyone. It could involve transitioning to a Supported Independent Living home, sharing a home with other friends or family, or even living independently with appropriate support services in place. Each option comes with its own set of considerations, both for the child and their parents.

Here are a few key tips to consider when your child with disability is preparing to move out of home:

Start early

Begin discussions about the possibility of independent living early on, allowing plenty of time for planning and preparation. Involve your child in the decision-making process, encouraging them to express their preferences and aspirations. Talk about their dreams for the future and work together to create a roadmap for achieving them.

Explore options

Research the various living arrangements and support services available for people with disability in your area. Consider factors such as accessibility, location, proximity to friends and family, and the level of support provided. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) also provides assistance through your child’s plan, which we’ve helped break down in another blog you can find here.

Access resources

Many valuable free resources are available online and in libraries, waiting to equip you for the transition from family home to independent living. A great starting point is the Disability Support Guide. This comprehensive resource offers in depth information and practical advice on various aspects of disability support, including moving out of the family home.

Build your support network

Connect with other parents, disability advocates, and service providers for guidance and support. Sharing experiences and resources can help ease some concerns and provide valuable insights. Online forums and local support groups are great places to connect with others on the same journey.

Self care matters

Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Prioritise your own well-being throughout the process. Seek support from friends, family or a therapist if needed. Moving out of home can be an emotional time for parents, so it's essential to maintain your own well-being throughout the process to be a stronger advocate for your child.

As a parent navigating this transition, it's important to remember that you are not alone. There are resources and support services available to help guide you through the process and ensure a smooth transition for your child. With the right preparation and support in place, moving out of home can be a positive and empowering experience for everyone involved.

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