
What types of jobs are available to people with disability?

What types of jobs are available to people with disability?

There are many benefits to having a job, and it’s about more than making money!

For people with disability, employment is a chance to learn new skills, make friends, be independent and build confidence while earning an income. Having a routine and a job to do can help you have a sense of purpose and feel like part of your community.

There are different kinds of employment available to people with disability. If you’re thinking about getting a job but you’re not sure where to start, you can learn more about your options below.

Supported employment

Supported employment is designed for people with disability. As the name suggests, it’s a job where people with disability can get the support they need at work. A supported workplace is a safe environment where you can feel confident to try new things, find out what you’re good at, make friends and achieve your own goals.

Supported employment is a great choice if you want to work but need more support than what is available in a mainstream workplace. If your goal is to eventually transition into mainstream employment, then supported employment can be a great first step to help you learn some new skills and build your confidence.

Supported employment can help you:

  • learn new skills
  • earn money
  • make new friends
  • be more confident
  • feel like you’re making a difference
  • achieve your goals.


We offer many different types of work across our Endeavour Foundation Business Solutions sites. While the jobs you do may vary depending on the site and what you’re interested in, one thing always stays the same. We provide a safe and supportive work environment where you’ll build skills and confidence in a job you’ll love.

Mainstream employment

If you’re ready to take the leap into mainstream employment, there are people and services that can help you.

In mainstream employment, you’ll be working with people without disability. You’ll be able to work independently, anywhere you want, while earning your own money. A mainstream workplace may not offer the same amount of support as Supported Employment, so it’s important you feel confident and prepared to take on any challenges that may arise.

Thankfully, you don’t have to do it completely alone. We can help you get job ready and navigate life in mainstream employment. Support such as mentoring, training and ongoing support can help you achieve your work goals and feel comfortable in a mainstream work environment. We focus on what you can do - your skills and capabilities - to help you find a job you’ll love.

Will the NDIS help with employment?

Yes! The NDIS can fund reasonable and necessary supports to help you in the workplace. Funded supports can be used in a wide variety of workplaces, including mainstream and supported workplaces.

This may include:

  • capacity building supports that help you learn new skills
  • ongoing support with daily tasks
  • personal care at work, for example, help with eating meals


You can find out more about NDIS employment support here.

Whether you’re looking for supported employment in one of our Business Solution Sites or you’re ready to take on the world in mainstream employment, Endeavour Foundation can help you achieve that.

We are passionate about helping you find meaningful employment in a job you’ll love. Enquire about employment opportunities today and let us know how we can help you thrive.