
Meal preparation and delivery under the NDIS

Curious to know what the NDIS covers when it comes to meal preparation and even meal delivery? This is the blog for you! If you struggle with meal preparation, the NDIS might offer support through tailored assistance, skill development programs, or even meal delivery, but it depends on your unique situation.

Does the NDIS fund meal delivery?

Yes, but only if it's deemed reasonable and necessary within your NDIS plan. The NDIS can help cover the extra costs associated with preparing and delivering meals tailored to your specific needs, not the basic cost of groceries. Whether you have a disability or not, everyone needs food. So, the NDIS funding for meal delivery won't pay for all the ingredients, but it can help with making and delivering the meals. To see if you might be eligible, it's best to talk to your NDIS Planner or Support Coordinator directly.

Who can get this funding?

The NDIS is here to bridge the gap between having a disability and not having one. Meal delivery funding may not be appropriate if you can independently manage grocery shopping and preparing meals. On the flip side, if you live alone with little help and struggle to shop or cook safely, meal delivery may be essential. But remember, it's not a guarantee. Your Planner will look at your unique needs and circumstances. Here's what they consider:

  • What supports you currently have to prepare meals.
  • How much time a support worker would need to help you prepare meals. If we include this support to help you become more independent, this will usually reduce over the length of your plan.
  • Whether there are any upcoming changes that will limit your friends', carers', or support workers' ability to assist with meal preparation for a period of time..
  • What participants with a similar situation to you have in their plan.
  • What programs are available in the community to help you prepare meals.

What can meal preparation support look like under the NDIS?

Tailored Support from a Support Worker:

  • This is the most common way to use NDIS funding for meal help.
  • A support worker may assist with shopping and cooking at home.
  • Example: Mary gets 1:1 support twice a week to plan meals, shop, and cook because of her disability.

Developing Meal Preparation Skills:

  • Some people want to go beyond basic cooking skills.
  • NDIS can fund programs for skill development.
  • Example: Oliver attends a cooking program at a Learning and Lifestyle hub to gain independence.

Meal Delivery:

  • NDIS can cover meal preparation and delivery costs.
  • It won't pay for ingredients; that's an 'everyday expense.'
  • Usually covers around 70% of the total cost; you pay the remaining 30% (co-pay).
  • Note: NDIS is more likely to fund the first two options.

So, there you have it! The NDIS can lend a hand with meals if it would benefit your unique situation. If you think it could help you achieve your goals, don't hesitate to schedule a review meeting with your Planner. They'll be happy to discuss the types of support available and tailor a plan that works best for you. Remember, the NDIS is here to empower you to live independently, and meal support can be a valuable tool on your journey.