
Does the NDIS fund cleaning services?

A clean and tidy home is more than just a pleasant sight; it plays a crucial role in maintaining good mental and physical health. For those facing challenges due to limited mobility or disability, keeping up with household chores, especially cleaning, can be a bit overwhelming. The good news is that the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) might be able to lend a helping hand by funding cleaning services under the category of 'Assistance with Daily Living.' In this blog we will delve into the details of how this works.

Do I qualify for NDIS-funded cleaning services?

The NDIS only funds supports that are reasonable and necessary. If you find cleaning challenging due to your disability, and it is deemed essential for your health and happiness, the NDIS may choose to fund a cleaner for your home. For instance, if your disability prevents you from undertaking cleaning tasks and a cleaner is needed for essential house cleaning activities, you may be eligible for NDIS funding.

It’s important to note that having NDIS funding doesn’t automatically mean that you can use your funding for cleaning services.

Choosing a Cleaner: NDIS-managed vs. self-managed plans

Whether your NDIS plan is self-managed or NDIA-managed can influence your choice of a cleaning service provider. If your plan is self-managed, you have the flexibility to choose any cleaning service provider you like. However, the NDIA recommends selecting an approved, registered NDIS provider, as they adhere to specific quality and safety standards. On the other hand, if your plan is NDIA-managed, you must choose from a list of approved, registered NDIS providers to deliver your cleaning support.

How is NDIS-funded cleaning included in my plan?

Cleaning services, along with gardening and home maintenance, fall under Support Category 1 (Assistance with Daily Living). This is considered a Core Support, meaning that if you have funding in your plan's Core budget, you can use it to get help around the house or garden. You also have the option to enlist a Support Worker to assist you with tasks you are unable to do, which falls under 'Assistance with Personal Domestic Activities.'

Choosing the right provider

When it comes to choosing a cleaning service provider, there are a few key considerations:

  • Provider Registration: If your plan is NDIA-managed, the provider needs to be registered with the NDIS. However, for self-managed or plan-managed participants, using providers without NDIS registration is still possible.
  • Agree on a Price: NDIS uses an hourly-rate system for cleaning services. It's essential to agree on the price before starting the job, considering that the NDIS won't cover any amounts outside the hourly rate.
  • Service Agreement: Establishing a service agreement with the cleaning service provider is crucial. This written contract outlines the services to be delivered, the reasons for them, and the agreed-upon price, protecting both parties from misunderstandings.

Invoicing and payments

Navigating NDIS invoicing for cleaning services can seem complex, but it doesn't have to be. Here's a simplified breakdown of the key guidelines:

  • Cleaners can use line items such as "House Cleaning and Other Household Activities" or "Assistance with Personal Domestic Activities" when invoicing.
  • Plan-managed participants should ensure that providers do not invoice for more than the hourly price limit set by the NDIS. Any additional costs must be agreed upon and paid separately by the participant.

Finding NDIS-approved cleaning services

If you're looking for NDIS-approved cleaning services, it's good to know that many smaller businesses may not be registered with the NDIS. However, if you're plan-managed or self-managed, you can still use your NDIS funding to access them. For NDIA-managed participants, choosing a provider registered with the NDIS is necessary.

A clean and organised home is a vital aspect of overall well-being, and the NDIS recognises this by providing funding for essential cleaning services. Understanding the criteria for eligibility, the types of services covered, and the process of choosing a provider will empower you to make the most of your NDIS plan.