
How to prepare for your NDIS plan review

For most people on the NDIS, you will do a plan review every year.

Plan reviews are an opportunity to check if your supports are working for you and how your goals are going. Your NDIS plan won’t stay the same ‐ it will change over time as your needs change. Plan reviews are important because they make sure that your NDIS plan is working for you.

Our best advice

Preparation is key

When it comes to plan reviews, one of the best things you can do is prepare properly. On this page, we have everything you need to prepare for your plan review.

If you only do one thing to prepare ‐ make it this

Use our plan review toolkit

We got all of our NDIS experts to come together and design a free resource to help you get ready for your plan review.

It’s been designed to be both painless to fill out, and to help you get the best outcomes from your plan review meeting – we have countless people swear by it!

Common questions about plan reviews

I keep hearing that people usually get less in their second plan ‐ is this true?

There’s been a lot of anxiety around getting less funding in a plan review.

And honestly?

The outcomes are different from person to person.

One thing we can say with certainty is that great preparation increases your chance of getting a plan that you are happy with.

That said, it can depend on the experience of the Planners as well.

Who will conduct my plan review?

If you’re aged 7 ‐ 65, your plan review conversation will be conducted by either an NDIS Planner or a Local Area Coordinator.

If you’re under 7, it will be with an Early Childhood Early Intervention Partner.

Could my second plan be for 24 months?

Yes. We’ve been seeing people come back with 24 month plans and that has us a little concerned. By doing a 24 month plan, the NDIA is saying that they are anticipating that your needs and goals aren’t going to change over a two year period.

For some this will be the case, but for others, their support needs will change.

If you foresee your needs changing sometime in the next year, it is important you talk about this with your Planner.

If you do end up with a 24 month plan, and your needs change, you can apply for a review (see below).

What if my circumstances change and I need to review my plan early?

If your personal circumstances change significantly and this affects the supports you need from the NDIS, you can request a plan review at any time by completing the change of circumstances form.

This is different to being unhappy with the supports you receive in your budget. If you’re unhappy with a decision, you’ll need to get a review of decisions. We've put together a blog on what to do if you are unhappy with your NDIS plan.

Can I use a Support Coordinator to help me prepare?

Absolutely. If you received funding in your first plan for a Support Coordinator, they will be able to help you prepare for your second plan.

What do I need to take to my NDIS Plan Review?

Here is a list of the key things you should take to your NDIS Plan Review:

  • A copy of your NDIS Plan.
  • A completed copy of ‘Preparing for your plan review’ workbook.
  • Information for your service providers about what supports they have delivered and what supports you need to reach your goals for the next year.
  • If you have a decision maker, you should take them to your meeting.
  • You can also take a family member, support worker or friend who knows you well and can help you in the review meeting.

What if my first plan ends before my second plan starts? Can I get funding for that time?

A small number of people have been finding that there is a gap between when their first plan ends and their second plan begins.

If this the case for you, the NDIS will cover the cost of supports as long as they are in line with what you were previously receiving in your plan.

Help?! I’m still confused!

We love talking about the NDIS ‐ you can give us a call on 1800 112 112 or email us at [email protected].

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