Disability research

Changing the world for people with disability through inclusive research.

Endeavour Foundation Disability Research

Endeavour Foundation places great importance on investing in disability research that will improve the lives of people support.

Endeavour Foundation now invests in research directly, rather than through a competitive Grant Round, ensuring research priorities align closely with our purpose and values.

Our commitment to helping people with disability goes beyond our day-to-day work we also invest in the future. By actively engaging in and supporting research initiatives, we strive to gain valuable insights into the unique challenges and needs of people with disability.

Between 2009 and 2023, the Disability Research Fund awarded $726,000 in grants for research projects to change the world for people with disability.

Our commitment to disability research continues in 2024/2025 with an extension to a University of Western Sydney project ‘Measuring outcomes that matter: Conceptualising contribution’. The aim of the project is to increase recognition of the many ways people with disability contribute to community.

This next phase is focused on gathering photovoice data of First Nations Australians with intellectual disability to add to a public Gallery and to ensure tools developed in the project are culturally appropriate and accessible to furthering community contributions by First Nations Australians with intellectual disability.

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